Have you ever wondered how much waste we produce every day? If all the bottles that end up in landfills were lined up one after another, we could probably build a bridge to the moon. But don’t worry, you don’t have to be an astronaut to do something for our planet. All you have to do is choose returnable bottles. Why does it matter? Let me explain!
What exactly is a returnable bottle?
A returnable bottle is an ecological “boomerang” – it returns to the manufacturer, is thoroughly washed, sterilized and put back into circulation. It is the complete opposite of disposable bottles, which after one use often end up in a landfill or, even worse, in the oceans. By choosing returnable bottles, you give them a chance for a second, third or even fiftieth life!
One small step for man…
From your perspective, it really is a small thing. You buy water in a returnable bottle, drink it, return the empty bottle, and the manufacturer takes care of the rest. You don’t have to figure out how to process it, where to throw it away or how to reduce its impact on the environment. All it takes is a bit of goodwill and memory to take an empty bottle to the store. Yes, it’s that simple!
…and great for the environment
Each returnable bottle means less plastic in circulation. Less waste, less energy used to produce new packaging, less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Imagine that one returnable bottle replaces even 20-30 single-use bottles. Now think how many such bottles we could save every day if each of us changed our habits. It’s like a revolution, only quiet and without banners.
Why does a returnable bottle win over a single-use bottle?
First of all – quality. Returnable bottles are made of thicker, more durable material that can be washed and used many times. No post-production plastic that could seep into your water. It’s pure quality that you can see and feel.
Secondly – ecology. Did you know that the production of one single-use plastic bottle uses about 3 liters of water? That’s almost as much as the same bottle fits! And let alone energy and CO2 emissions. With a returnable bottle, these problems disappear like morning mist.
Real-life arguments
For the lazy: You don’t have to think about whether your bottle will be recycled. The manufacturer will do it for you.
For the thrifty: Returnable bottles are often cheaper because their production and circulation are more economical.
For the forgetful: Even if you forget to return a bottle, it doesn’t become an ecological problem of catastrophe proportions.